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07/08/10 Town Meeting Minutes
Town of Cheverly
Meeting Minutes
July 8, 2010

Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 8:00 pm in the Cheverly Community Center.  

In attendance:  Mayor Callahan, CMs Watson, Eldridge, Schachter and Tevault.

Pledge of Allegiance


Proclamations Achieving the Rank of Eagle Scout
Mayor Callahan called Mr. Arvin Lal to introduce the Eagle Scouts of Troop 257.
Jason Gaines was the first to be recognized as achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Mayor Callahan read a Proclamation recognizing the accomplishments of Jason Gaines.
Mr. Arvin Lal noted that Brian Hanlon had also received the rank of Eagle Scout, but was unable to attend the night’s meeting and asked Michael Carrigan to come forward and Mayor Callahan read a Proclamation recognizing his accomplishments.

CM Tevault making a presentation of funds in the form of grants that were a result of the ChevProm proceeds.  Presented $322.35 each to the Friends of the Lower Beaver Dam Creek, the Cheverly History Club and to the American Legion Post.

Minutes – Town Meeting 6/10/10
Approved as written.

Minutes – Worksession 6/22/10
Approved as written.

Town Administrator Report
Mr. Warrington noted a lot of activity on Cheverly Avenue and none of it was being performed by the Town.  Water restrictions have been lifted and would note that the Town’s rain barrels were used to allow us to water during the water restrictions.  We were not violating the restrictions.  We ask the citizens to help us by watering our street trees.  

Police Department Report
Chief Robshaw wanted to join in celebrating our citizens and noted that during Cheverly Day when the Police sponsored the basketball tournament a resident, Damian Hodge, was a great volunteer and help.  Mr. Hodge was received the Chief’s Proclamation thanking him for his service.  Crime has dipped considerably and we are only up because of the burglaries that occurred earlier in the year.  We had 5 burglaries and 2 were closed by arrest.  We only had 20 incidents last month.  The photo enforcement office is set-up and we are getting ready to start issuing citations.  Our public safety day will occur in September and Outback will again sponsor the event.  We have a new towing company and the Town will now receive some monetary benefit for donated vehicles, which we did not get under our last contract.  Donating to the Town will allow you to see the benefit of your donation in the form of equipment.  I have 8 new radios for our radio program for interested citizens.

CM Eldridge no questions, but a commendation for the Municipal League Award for our citizen radio program.  It was the only one that got unanimous endorsement of all the submissions.  

Chief Robshaw we have several municipalities that are copying our grant request to submit to the State to start a program.

Mayor Callahan I just happen to have the award right here and I would invite the Council to join me in presenting this plaque to the Chief.

Chief Robshaw thank you.  This will be prominently displayed in the Police Department.

Mayor and Council Announcements

Mayor items for the Worksession: Discussion of Youth RFP Results and Building Use Discussion.  CM Watson do we have a tranch of contract approvals coming? Town Administrator, No.

Committee Reports

Barbara Pejokovich announced that the Flea Market is the 1st Saturday of October and I will be taking reservations on August 16th.  
CM Watson thanks to everyone who made it a success this year and we are still looking for a day for Cheverly Day in 2011.  There will be a parade next year for the 80th birthday and in late morning on Saturday.  It will probably be in the May time frame.

Mayor Green Infrastucture Committee?  We do have a Community Market this Saturday and I encourage everyone to come down.  They are scheduled to have over 20 vendors.

Citizen Input

Fred Price, Jr. 61st Avenue I need a document from the Mayor.  Proud to have Jason Gaines and his family to add to the history of the Old Fourth Ward.  We will be working this summer to gather the history of the residents of the Old Fourth Ward.

Steve Brennan  American Legion Post. We have decided to use this grant from ChevProm to purchase and fly as large a flag as possible on every holiday.  We want to stir up patriotism and participate in the parade next year with a Color Guard.

Discussion R-6-10 Allowing The BVFD to Charge for Fire Services
Mayor Callahan gave an update in an email to the Council of answers provided from the Chief of Prince George’s County.  There may be legislation in the future before the County Council that would allow charges for out-of-county residents.  He also stated that not every County volunteer fire station charge for EMT services and only 11 are charging.  Finally, was there something about the funding model for these 11 that are different than the other forcing a need to charge for fire and ambulatory service. The next move is to call Bill Smith who can talk on a broader base for the volunteer departments.  

CM Eldridge could you clarify for me the sponsor for the bill to charge for out of County.

Mayor Callahan noted that it was noted in a response that Bill Smith would be moving forward for this legislation.

Mr. Coalresi asked that if the BVFD would charge out of county residents, but not county residents.  The County is contemplating legislation for this? Mayor Callahan the way the Chief has stated this, is that the Volunteer Fire Fighters Association is pushing for this legislation.  It is just discussion right now and the Council would have to pass legislation.

Vice Mayor Watson back to the Resolution, it was brought to us with the idea that they were in dire financial straights, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.  They are looking for a sustainable model for revenue.  It doesn’t seem to make any sense for us to keep it around any longer.  I don’t think the urgency I felt 3 or 4 months ago is there.  We always have the right to restart the process.

Mayor I think you are right and it is what we should do.  I would like to talk to Bill Smith and better understand the model for Volunteer Fire Stations.  I would like to visit this topic with our County Councilmember.

Fred Price, Jr. 61st Avenue noted that the adequate facilities test should be applied to the fire safety.  In order to have the adequate facilities test met for Woodmore, they have closed our station to put a station up there by St. Joseph’s.  This allows the County Executive and County Council to move folks to meet their tests.  It’s an issue we need to work on.

  • Motion CM Schachter to table R-6-10. Seconded CM Eldridge.  Approved 4-0

Introduction O-5-10 Amending the Speed Hump Process

Mr. Warrington this Ordinance is a minor change, but it allows for the record to remain open at the Mayor’s discretion for 60 days.  The Town Attorney was tasked with drafting this ordinance after a discussion at the last worksession.

Mayor I would add that we made this up to 60 days in order to insure that it makes it into at least one newsletter.

CM Tevault having recently going through this process, I appreciate the idea of 60 days, but I think it is too long.  After the entire process as it now exists takes well longer than 60 days and I think the way we just did the Oak Street speed hump was adequate.

Mayor the up to is so that we can get it in the newsletter.  We want everyone to have the opportunity to speak-up and attend a meeting.  

CM Tevault can we get it geared up for a newsletter as soon as we get it.  

Mr. Warrington for example the one I received tonight can easily to in the August newsletter, but if you had handed it in to me on July 21st then it would have to wait until the September newsletter to be published.  So, it is a matter of timing.  There is also an automatic delay if we start getting close to winter months simply because we can not lay asphalt in cold weather.

Mayor do you have a recommendation.  Our worksession recommendation was 45 days and the up to allows us to move quicker.  

CM Tevault I would recommend 30 days because this is after it has already been presented to us.  Most of the procedure requirements have passed.

CM Watson I don’t understand what this Ordinance is trying to solve.  The current code allows us to extend this already.  So, why do we need to change the code.  We have never had a problem.

Mayor since this was my recommendation, the problem I perceived was the people’s perception of what was going to occur and the expectation was that we were going to make a decision at that meeting.  I understand your point that we could do it and we did.  I believe we should have delayed it to the next public session.

CM Eldridge the Code doesn’t say that we need a recommendation from the director of Public Works or Chief of Police.  So, that is a process.  I don’t recall seeing that when we reviewed the petition.  Am I wrong on that?  Mr. Warrington yes you had information, but you asked for additional information.  CM Eldridge I agree with Mike that we should not let people have an expectation for a decision that evening.  Why was this provision inserted?  I wouldn’t be surprised if people hadn’t heard that a speed hump was being installed.

Mr. Warrington no, the first speed hump installed in Cheverly was at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council and there was not a lot of public input.  The residents were not pleased and the speed hump was removed.  The Mayor and Council still have the right to install at their initiative.  Since that time the Mayor and Council have always used this process.  

CM Watson I did want to say that I do agree that we don’t close the record unless it has been in the newsletter.  Mr. Warrington we had the Oak Street longer and it took a while because it had to go in the newsletter.

CM Tevault if we have to have it in the newsletter, we will never have a public hearing and people haven’t seen it in a newsletter.

Mayor I think it should be on two televised meetings, so it gives people time to react.  I think a week or less is a quick trigger for people to react after getting a newsletter.  CM Tevault perhaps we can reword this to number of meetings rather than days.

CM Schachter what should guide us is fair notice to the citizens and citizens have an obligation to pay attention to what is going on and I don’t think giving more time means more participation.  People wait until after the last minute regardless of how much time you give them.  It is the effectiveness of the notice not the length of time given by the notice.  We have an obligation to deliver service and make decisions in a timely manner.  I do not see a need to make changes here.

CM Eldridge regarding the notice people may not read their newsletter, could we post a sign?  Something like the County zoning postings.  Maybe we could keep the language and remove the extraordinary circumstances since that gives them an expectation of action at that meeting.

Mayor I would ask for all of us to look at this and bring our thoughts to the next Worksession.  
Mayor with that we are going to adjourn to a Special Council Worksession to appoint a person to the vacancy in the Ward 1 Council seat.

Meeting adjourned.
Town of Cheverly
Summary of Action
July 8, 2010

  • Motion CM Schachter to table R-6-10. Seconded CM Eldridge.  Approved 4-0